Kitz Ministreif

Are your kids brave enough to take on the “Ministreif"? Attractions such as the ‘Mausefalle,’ the ‘Gams,’ the ‘Seidlalm’ pedal organ, the ‘Steilhang’ and the ‘Hausbergkante’ await children. Here is where the sense of balance comes into play. The ability to quickly adapt to different conditions is needed. So too are courage and skill and, of course, speed. The Ministreif really is a lot of fun for children and exciting for the adults to watch.
A seesaw is located at the “Mausefalle” and encourages the young skiers to practise balancing properly through the “Gams”, right after the start. By tilting the seesaw forwards, the young, aspiring athlete has to find their sense of balance and quickly adjust to the new gradient – just like at the big “Mausefalle”.
Meanwhile, the prospective ski racers have to show courage on the “Steilhang”. The Steilhang needs to be entered in the lowest crouching position possible and the skis steered in a new direction too. This is where courageous action can make up for lost time.
The criteria: Mausefalle, Steilhang and Seidlalm
The uneven Seidlalm section really shakes up racers. You need to ski in a crouched position – time is ticking – keep your poles close to your hips! The “Hausbergkante” pylons can be seen from far away, the Ministreif is once again a test of courage.
Hausbergkante – a test of courage: here you need to gather your remaining strength!
Careful, the route is not 100% visible. ”Remaining in control” is important here at the Hausbergkante, or you will jump too far. Your legs are already tired and the finish line is still far away.
Entering the Ministreif arena is a real experience. Your parents and friends are already waiting and will be thrilled to see you conquer the Ministreif. So what are you waiting for? Go and try it out!