We use cookies for your personalized browsing experience, to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features, and to analyze traffic to our website. We also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Our partners may combine this information with other data that you have provided to them or that they have collected as part of your use of the Services. (incl. US providers)
Responsible for data privacy
Bergbahn Aktiengesellschaft Kitzbühel

Legal notice

Bergbahn Aktiengesellschaft Kitzbühel
Bergbahn Aktiengesellschaft Kitzbühel
Hahnenkammstraße 1a
6370 Kitzbühel
Fax +43 5356 6951133
Legal form Stock company
Commercial register no. FN32753t
Company court Landesgericht Innsbruck
VAT number ATU 31771008
Member of Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg
Supervisory authority Bezirkshauptmannschaft Kitzbühel
Purpose of the company Beförderung und Betrieb von Seilbahnen und Liftanlagen , Führung eines Gastronomiebetriebs, Führung eines Gesundheitsbetriebs
Job title FG Seilbahnen, FG Gastronomie, FG Gesundheitsbetriebe, FV Telekommunikations- und Rundfunkunternehmungen
Board Vorstandsvorsitzender: Mag. Anton Bodner, Vorstand: Mag. Christian Wörister

Competent regulatory authority (§29 Par. 2 AMD-G): KommAustria, headquartered in Vienna
T +43 1 58058-0

Applicable legal provision: SeilbG, GewO, etc. (see also: www.ris.bka.gv.at)

Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the right to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform at
: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. You can also direct any complaints to the above email address.

Design & technical implementation
MICADO Digital Solutions GmbH
Hammerschmiedstrasse 5
A-6370 Kitzbühel

Film production
Tirolthek.com | media service network
Dörrstrasse 15 / 1.OG, 6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
M +43 676 60840-08
fh@tirolthek.com, www.tirolthek.com

Covi, Wurzer & Partner KG - Die Sprachdienstleister

Voucher system from Incert - sell vouchers online
The voucher store was created by Incert, THE specialist for the online sale and marketing of gift vouchers of all kinds. The voucher system from incert.at, which is individually adapted to the website, enables the automated sale of vouchers via print@home as well as the individual personalisation of the vouchers with dedications, designs and voucher codes.

Media protection for youths
Today, more than ever, the lives of children and youths are saturated with media of all kinds. Protecting children and youths from the negative effects of the media on their development requires special commitment.

As a media service provider, this responsibility is of particular concern to us. Ensuring that minors are protected at a high level is part of our daily work as providers of television programmes and/or video-on-demand services for the people of Austria. The requirements for the protection of minors are incorporated into the design of our content as a matter of course, just as they are part of our other design work.

Together with other media service providers in Austria, we strive to ensure a high level of protection that is as uniform as possible.

We therefore declare that we will comply with the industry-wide Youth Media Protection Code of Conduct developed for this purpose by the "Verein zur Selbstkontrolle audiovisueller Medienangebote zum Schutz von Minderjährigen" (ZVR number: 1686796152) in its current form (Section 39 (4) AMD-G). We also declare that we acknowledge the Rules of Procedure and the Complaints System of the Association (§ 32a KOG).

The Code of Conduct and the Rules of Procedure for the association are available in their current form at www.jugendmedienschutz.at.

KSC Jürgen Klecha
Yannick Surkau
BAG Silberberger Michael
Alex Smith - Fotolia.com
dell - Fotolia.com
E3 Media House
elxeneize - Fotolia.com
Gerhard Köhler - Fotolia.com
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Mathäus Gartner
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Simon Oberleitner - Gix Multimedia
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Fotowerk Nusser Aichner
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Johannes Felsch - Felsch Fotodesign
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Albin Niederstrasser Photographie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Joe Hölzl
Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH - Martin Lugger
Kitzbühel Tourismus
Kitzbühel Tourismus - Medialounge
Kitzbühel Tourismus - Alpeniglu Dorf Kitzbühel - SAM - Alpeniglu
Mittersill Plus Tourismus - Panoramabahn Kitzbüheler Alpen GmbH
Mittersill Plus Tourismus - Mittersill Plus GmbH
Mittersill Plus Tourismus - Michael Huber Fotografie
Mittersill Plus Tourismus - Photoart Reifmüller
Lorenz Huter
Michael Werlberger
Patrizia Tilly - Fotolia.com
piumadaquila.com - Fotolia.com
ReinhardT - Fotolia.com
Smileus - Fotolia.com
Thomas Liner
www.m-buehner.de - Fotolia.com
Yuri Arcurs - Fotolia.com


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